Report from Korea

A Vibrant Celebration of Artistic Inspiration on Ching Hai Day

A drama adapted from a story in Master’s book God Takes Care of Everything joyously entertains the audience.

By the Seoul News Group

[Seoul] On Sunday, 24 October 2004, Seoul Center initiates observed Ching Hai Day with an arts festival entitled “As Autumn Unfolds and Spiritual Practice Grows, Artistic Talents are Nurtured” at the newly refurbished SM Vegetarian Restaurant in Seoul. The initiates, inspired by Master’s loving example of creating Heavenly art with Her divine talents and then using profits from the sales to help the needy, showcased their own poems, paintings, sculptures, photos, vegetarian cuisine and other creations.

Thus, the sisters and brothers, their family members, friends, and the Youngdong residents all came together for an artistic event filled with happiness. Since everyone was beautifully dressed, the event provided a perfect opportunity to take a group photograph featuring a banner that read “Happy Ching Hai Day,” and the picture was later sent to Master as a greeting card.

Master’s poems and cartoons were also on display, attracting much attention, and providing an ideal opportunity for the guests to discover more about Master and Her creative talents.

An Invigorating Food Festival and Mountain Hiking Event

By the Seoul News Group

Korean initiates help each other climb a mountain during the Youngdong Center’s November 2004 hiking activity.

[Youngdong] On November 7, 2004, the Youngdong Center held a food festival and mountain hiking activity that was attended by approximately 250 fellow initiates from centers all around Korea.

Before coming to the event, the initiates prepared special meals and brought them to the Youngdong for a great food party, which began after the center’s specially scheduled 4:00-10:00 AM group meditation session, and then went on a one-and-a-half-hour hike around the Center’s grounds, which cover approximately 830,000 square meters. Most of the practitioners had not explored the Center since its opening in 1998, and since much of its terrain is mountainous, the trek was quite strenuous. When the hikers encountered steep grades, they caringly held hands for support, gaining a greater appreciation of each other and of the Center’s beautiful environment in the process.

From the November 2004 food festival and hike, the Korean initiates came to feel deep gratitude to Master for giving them a virtual paradise on earth, and for allowing them to enjoy a unique event that offered a pleasant balance between spiritual practice and physical exercise. .............Pevious

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